Date | Time | Day | Home Team | Away Team | Location | Result | |
23-09-2024 | 19:30 | Monday | Swindon-Roussel B | Swindon-Roussel A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 2 - 16 | |
25-09-2024 | 19:00 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska A | Whitehorse A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 18 - 0 | |
29-09-2024 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade A | Stratton Polska B | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 11 - 7 | |
07-10-2024 | 19:30 | Monday | Swindon-Roussel A | Stratton Polska A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 6 - 12 | |
08-10-2024 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse A | Cricklade A | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | 5 - 13 | |
09-10-2024 | 19:00 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska B | Swindon-Roussel B | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 17 - 1 | |
04-11-2024 | 19:30 | Monday | Swindon-Roussel B | Cricklade A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 10 - 8 | |
05-11-2024 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse A | Swindon-Roussel A | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | 4 - 14 | |
06-11-2024 | 19:00 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska A | Stratton Polska B | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 16 - 2 | |
25-11-2024 | 19:30 | Monday | Swindon-Roussel B | Whitehorse A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 5 - 13 | |
27-11-2024 | 19:00 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska B | Swindon-Roussel A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 8 - 10 | |
01-12-2024 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade A | Stratton Polska A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 2 - 16 | |
09-12-2024 | 19:30 | Monday | Swindon-Roussel A | Cricklade A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 15 - 3 | |
10-12-2024 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse A | Stratton Polska B | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | 2 - 16 | |
11-12-2024 | 19:00 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska A | Swindon-Roussel B | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 18 - 0 | |
20-01-2025 | 19:30 | Monday | Swindon-Roussel A | Swindon-Roussel B | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 16 - 2 | |
21-01-2025 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse A | Stratton Polska A | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | 6 - 12 | |
22-01-2025 | 19:00 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska B | Cricklade A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 11 - 7 | |
03-02-2025 | 19:30 | Monday | Swindon-Roussel B | Stratton Polska B | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 3 - 15 | |
05-02-2025 | 19:00 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska A | Swindon-Roussel A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 8 - 10 | |
09-02-2025 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade A | Whitehorse A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 10 - 8 | |
24-02-2025 | 19:30 | Monday | Swindon-Roussel A | Whitehorse A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
26-02-2025 | 19:00 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska B | Stratton Polska A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | Upload | |
02-03-2025 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade A | Swindon-Roussel B | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
10-03-2025 | 19:30 | Monday | Swindon-Roussel A | Stratton Polska B | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
11-03-2025 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse A | Swindon-Roussel B | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | Upload | |
12-03-2025 | 19:00 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska A | Cricklade A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | Upload | |
24-03-2025 | 19:30 | Monday | Swindon-Roussel B | Stratton Polska A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
26-03-2025 | 19:00 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska B | Whitehorse A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | Upload | |
30-03-2025 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade A | Swindon-Roussel A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | Upload |
Date | Time | Day | Home Team | Away Team | Location | Result | |
23-09-2024 | 20:00 | Monday | 16 Feathers A | The Hop A | Grange Leisure and Community Centre, Grange Dr, Swindon, SN3 4JY | 14 - 4 | |
25-09-2024 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cricklade B | Acers A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | 11 - 7 | |
26-09-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem A | Brecon A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 8 - 10 | |
07-10-2024 | 19:00 | Monday | Acers A | Raychem A | Kingsdown Sports Centre, Hyde Rd, Swindon, SN2 7SH | 10 - 8 | |
10-10-2024 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop A | Cricklade B | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | 5 - 13 | |
11-10-2024 | 19:30 | Friday | Brecon A | 16 Feathers A | Dorcan Sports Centre, Saint Pauls Drive, Swindon, SN3 5BY | Upload | |
04-11-2024 | 20:00 | Monday | 16 Feathers A | Raychem A | Grange Leisure and Community Centre, Grange Dr, Swindon, SN3 4JY | 12 - 6 | |
04-11-2024 | 19:00 | Monday | Acers A | The Hop A | Kingsdown Sports Centre, Hyde Rd, Swindon, SN2 7SH | 10 - 8 | |
06-11-2024 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cricklade B | Brecon A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | 9 - 9 | |
25-11-2024 | 20:00 | Monday | 16 Feathers A | Acers A | Grange Leisure and Community Centre, Grange Dr, Swindon, SN3 4JY | 9 - 9 | |
28-11-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem A | Cricklade B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 9 - 9 | |
29-11-2024 | 19:30 | Friday | Brecon A | The Hop A | Dorcan Sports Centre, Saint Pauls Drive, Swindon, SN3 5BY | 12 - 6 | |
09-12-2024 | 19:00 | Monday | Acers A | Brecon A | Kingsdown Sports Centre, Hyde Rd, Swindon, SN2 7SH | 7 - 11 | |
11-12-2024 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cricklade B | 16 Feathers A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
12-12-2024 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop A | Raychem A | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | 10 - 8 | |
20-01-2025 | 19:00 | Monday | Acers A | Cricklade B | Kingsdown Sports Centre, Hyde Rd, Swindon, SN2 7SH | 10 - 8 | |
23-01-2025 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop A | 16 Feathers A | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | 1 - 17 | |
24-01-2025 | 19:30 | Friday | Brecon A | Raychem A | Dorcan Sports Centre, Saint Pauls Drive, Swindon, SN3 5BY | 12 - 6 | |
03-02-2025 | 20:00 | Monday | 16 Feathers A | Brecon A | Grange Leisure and Community Centre, Grange Dr, Swindon, SN3 4JY | 14 - 4 | |
05-02-2025 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cricklade B | The Hop A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
06-02-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem A | Acers A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
27-02-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem A | 16 Feathers A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
27-02-2025 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop A | Acers A | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | Upload | |
28-02-2025 | 19:30 | Friday | Brecon A | Cricklade B | Dorcan Sports Centre, Saint Pauls Drive, Swindon, SN3 5BY | Upload | |
10-03-2025 | 19:00 | Monday | Acers A | 16 Feathers A | Kingsdown Sports Centre, Hyde Rd, Swindon, SN2 7SH | Upload | |
12-03-2025 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cricklade B | Raychem A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
13-03-2025 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop A | Brecon A | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | Upload | |
24-03-2025 | 20:00 | Monday | 16 Feathers A | Cricklade B | Grange Leisure and Community Centre, Grange Dr, Swindon, SN3 4JY | Upload | |
27-03-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem A | The Hop A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
28-03-2025 | 19:30 | Friday | Brecon A | Acers A | Dorcan Sports Centre, Saint Pauls Drive, Swindon, SN3 5BY | Upload |
Date | Time | Day | Home Team | Away Team | Location | Result | |
26-09-2024 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop B | Whitehorse B | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | 1 - 17 | |
27-09-2024 | 19:30 | Friday | Brecon B | Raychem B | Dorcan Sports Centre, Saint Pauls Drive, Swindon, SN3 5BY | 13 - 5 | |
29-09-2024 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade C | 16 Feathers B | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 8 - 10 | |
09-10-2024 | 20:00 | Wednesday | 16 Feathers B | The Hop B | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | 18 - 0 | |
10-10-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem B | Cricklade C | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 3 - 15 | |
11-10-2024 | 20:00 | Friday | Whitehorse B | Brecon B | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | 13 - 5 | |
07-11-2024 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop B | Cricklade C | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | 1 - 17 | |
07-11-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem B | Whitehorse B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 0 - 18 | |
08-11-2024 | 19:30 | Friday | Brecon B | 16 Feathers B | Dorcan Sports Centre, Saint Pauls Drive, Swindon, SN3 5BY | 4 - 14 | |
27-11-2024 | 20:00 | Wednesday | 16 Feathers B | Whitehorse B | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | 11 - 7 | |
28-11-2024 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop B | Raychem B | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | 16 - 2 | |
01-12-2024 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade C | Brecon B | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 12 - 6 | |
12-12-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem B | 16 Feathers B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 1 - 17 | |
13-12-2024 | 19:30 | Friday | Brecon B | The Hop B | Dorcan Sports Centre, Saint Pauls Drive, Swindon, SN3 5BY | 10 - 8 | |
13-12-2024 | 20:00 | Friday | Whitehorse B | Cricklade C | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | 14 - 4 | |
22-01-2025 | 20:00 | Wednesday | 16 Feathers B | Cricklade C | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | 11 - 7 | |
23-01-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem B | Brecon B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 6 - 12 | |
24-01-2025 | 20:00 | Friday | Whitehorse B | The Hop B | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | 14 - 4 | |
06-02-2025 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop B | 16 Feathers B | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | Upload | |
07-02-2025 | 19:30 | Friday | Brecon B | Whitehorse B | Dorcan Sports Centre, Saint Pauls Drive, Swindon, SN3 5BY | Upload | |
09-02-2025 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade C | Raychem B | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 18 - 0 | |
26-02-2025 | 20:00 | Wednesday | 16 Feathers B | Brecon B | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | Upload | |
28-02-2025 | 20:00 | Friday | Whitehorse B | Raychem B | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | Upload | |
02-03-2025 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade C | The Hop B | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
13-03-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem B | The Hop B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
14-03-2025 | 19:30 | Friday | Brecon B | Cricklade C | Dorcan Sports Centre, Saint Pauls Drive, Swindon, SN3 5BY | Upload | |
14-03-2025 | 20:00 | Friday | Whitehorse B | 16 Feathers B | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | Upload | |
26-03-2025 | 20:00 | Wednesday | 16 Feathers B | Raychem B | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | Upload | |
27-03-2025 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop B | Brecon B | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | Upload | |
30-03-2025 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade C | Whitehorse B | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | Upload |
Date | Time | Day | Home Team | Away Team | Location | Result | |
13-09-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Swindon-Roussel C | Greenmeadow | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 12 - 6 | |
13-09-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Stratton Polska C | Acers B | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 16 - 2 | |
15-09-2024 | 19:00 | Sunday | David Lloyd | Cirencester A | David Lloyd, Latham Road, Swindon, SN25 4DL | 6 - 12 | |
27-09-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Greenmeadow | Cirencester A | Haydon Centre, Thames Avenue, Swindon, SN25 1QQ | 4 - 14 | |
27-09-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Stratton Polska C | Whitehorse C | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 17 - 1 | |
29-09-2024 | 19:00 | Sunday | David Lloyd | Acers B | David Lloyd, Latham Road, Swindon, SN25 4DL | 10 - 8 | |
09-10-2024 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cirencester A | Stratton Polska C | Cirencester Leisure Centre, Old Tetbury Road, Cirencester, GL7 1US | 16 - 2 | |
10-10-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Whitehorse C | Swindon-Roussel C | St Josephs College, Ocotal Way, Swindon, England, GB, SN3 3LR | 1 - 17 | |
11-10-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Acers B | Greenmeadow | Kingsdown Sports Centre, Hyde Rd, Swindon, SN2 7SH | Upload | |
23-10-2024 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cirencester A | Acers B | Cirencester Leisure Centre, Old Tetbury Road, Cirencester, GL7 1US | 13 - 5 | |
25-10-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Swindon-Roussel C | Stratton Polska C | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 9 - 9 | |
27-10-2024 | 19:00 | Sunday | David Lloyd | Whitehorse C | David Lloyd, Latham Road, Swindon, SN25 4DL | 16 - 2 | |
06-11-2024 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cirencester A | Whitehorse C | Cirencester Leisure Centre, Old Tetbury Road, Cirencester, GL7 1US | 17 - 1 | |
08-11-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Greenmeadow | David Lloyd | Haydon Centre, Thames Avenue, Swindon, SN25 1QQ | 11 - 7 | |
08-11-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Acers B | Swindon-Roussel C | Kingsdown Sports Centre, Hyde Rd, Swindon, SN2 7SH | 9 - 9 | |
28-11-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Whitehorse C | Greenmeadow | St Josephs College, Ocotal Way, Swindon, England, GB, SN3 3LR | 11 - 7 | |
29-11-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Swindon-Roussel C | Cirencester A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 7 - 11 | |
29-11-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Stratton Polska C | David Lloyd | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 12 - 6 | |
13-12-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Greenmeadow | Stratton Polska C | Haydon Centre, Thames Avenue, Swindon, SN25 1QQ | 6 - 12 | |
13-12-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Acers B | Whitehorse C | Kingsdown Sports Centre, Hyde Rd, Swindon, SN2 7SH | 13 - 5 | |
15-12-2024 | 19:00 | Sunday | David Lloyd | Swindon-Roussel C | David Lloyd, Latham Road, Swindon, SN25 4DL | 10 - 8 | |
22-01-2025 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cirencester A | Greenmeadow | Cirencester Leisure Centre, Old Tetbury Road, Cirencester, GL7 1US | 14 - 4 | |
23-01-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Whitehorse C | Stratton Polska C | St Josephs College, Ocotal Way, Swindon, England, GB, SN3 3LR | 2 - 16 | |
24-01-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Acers B | David Lloyd | Kingsdown Sports Centre, Hyde Rd, Swindon, SN2 7SH | 6 - 12 | |
07-02-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Greenmeadow | Acers B | Haydon Centre, Thames Avenue, Swindon, SN25 1QQ | 8 - 10 | |
07-02-2025 | 19:30 | Friday | Swindon-Roussel C | Whitehorse C | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 17 - 1 | |
07-02-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Stratton Polska C | Cirencester A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 10 - 8 | |
13-02-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Whitehorse C | Cirencester A | St Josephs College, Ocotal Way, Swindon, England, GB, SN3 3LR | Upload | |
14-02-2025 | 19:30 | Friday | Swindon-Roussel C | Acers B | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
16-02-2025 | 19:00 | Sunday | David Lloyd | Greenmeadow | David Lloyd, Latham Road, Swindon, SN25 4DL | Upload | |
27-02-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Whitehorse C | David Lloyd | St Josephs College, Ocotal Way, Swindon, England, GB, SN3 3LR | Upload | |
28-02-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Acers B | Cirencester A | Kingsdown Sports Centre, Hyde Rd, Swindon, SN2 7SH | Upload | |
28-02-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Stratton Polska C | Swindon-Roussel C | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | Upload | |
12-03-2025 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cirencester A | Swindon-Roussel C | Cirencester Leisure Centre, Old Tetbury Road, Cirencester, GL7 1US | Upload | |
14-03-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Greenmeadow | Whitehorse C | Haydon Centre, Thames Avenue, Swindon, SN25 1QQ | Upload | |
16-03-2025 | 19:00 | Sunday | David Lloyd | Stratton Polska C | David Lloyd, Latham Road, Swindon, SN25 4DL | Upload | |
27-03-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Whitehorse C | Acers B | St Josephs College, Ocotal Way, Swindon, England, GB, SN3 3LR | Upload | |
28-03-2025 | 19:30 | Friday | Swindon-Roussel C | David Lloyd | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
28-03-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Stratton Polska C | Greenmeadow | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | Upload | |
23-04-2025 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cirencester A | David Lloyd | Cirencester Leisure Centre, Old Tetbury Road, Cirencester, GL7 1US | Upload | |
25-04-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Greenmeadow | Swindon-Roussel C | Haydon Centre, Thames Avenue, Swindon, SN25 1QQ | Upload | |
25-04-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Acers B | Stratton Polska C | Kingsdown Sports Centre, Hyde Rd, Swindon, SN2 7SH | Upload |
Date | Time | Day | Home Team | Away Team | Location | Result | |
09-09-2024 | 20:00 | Monday | Raychem C | Raychem E | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 18 - 0 | |
11-09-2024 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cirencester B | The Hop C | Cirencester Leisure Centre, Old Tetbury Road, Cirencester, GL7 1US | 13 - 5 | |
12-09-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Whitehorse D | Cricklade D | St Josephs College, Ocotal Way, Swindon, England, GB, SN3 3LR | 7 - 11 | |
24-09-2024 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Raychem E | Cricklade D | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 0 - 18 | |
25-09-2024 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cirencester B | Raychem D | Cirencester Leisure Centre, Old Tetbury Road, Cirencester, GL7 1US | 12 - 6 | |
26-09-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Whitehorse D | The Hop C | St Josephs College, Ocotal Way, Swindon, England, GB, SN3 3LR | 11 - 7 | |
08-10-2024 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Raychem D | Raychem C | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 11 - 7 | |
10-10-2024 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop C | Raychem E | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | 13 - 5 | |
13-10-2024 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade D | Cirencester B | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 2 - 16 | |
21-10-2024 | 20:00 | Monday | Raychem C | Cirencester B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
24-10-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Whitehorse D | Raychem D | St Josephs College, Ocotal Way, Swindon, England, GB, SN3 3LR | 15 - 3 | |
27-10-2024 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade D | The Hop C | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 10 - 8 | |
05-11-2024 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Raychem E | Whitehorse D | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 1 - 17 | |
07-11-2024 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop C | Raychem C | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | 5 - 13 | |
10-11-2024 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade D | Raychem D | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 5 - 13 | |
25-11-2024 | 20:00 | Monday | Raychem C | Cricklade D | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 7 - 11 | |
26-11-2024 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Raychem D | Raychem E | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 16 - 2 | |
27-11-2024 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cirencester B | Whitehorse D | Cirencester Leisure Centre, Old Tetbury Road, Cirencester, GL7 1US | 7 - 11 | |
10-12-2024 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Raychem E | Cirencester B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
12-12-2024 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop C | Raychem D | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | 17 - 1 | |
12-12-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Whitehorse D | Raychem C | St Josephs College, Ocotal Way, Swindon, England, GB, SN3 3LR | 12 - 6 | |
21-01-2025 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Raychem D | Cirencester B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 8 - 10 | |
23-01-2025 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop C | Whitehorse D | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | 12 - 6 | |
26-01-2025 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade D | Raychem E | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
03-02-2025 | 20:00 | Monday | Raychem C | Raychem D | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 12 - 6 | |
04-02-2025 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Raychem E | The Hop C | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
05-02-2025 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cirencester B | Cricklade D | Cirencester Leisure Centre, Old Tetbury Road, Cirencester, GL7 1US | 12 - 6 | |
10-02-2025 | 20:00 | Monday | Raychem C | The Hop C | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
11-02-2025 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Raychem D | Cricklade D | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
13-02-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Whitehorse D | Raychem E | St Josephs College, Ocotal Way, Swindon, England, GB, SN3 3LR | Upload | |
25-02-2025 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Raychem D | Whitehorse D | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
26-02-2025 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cirencester B | Raychem C | Cirencester Leisure Centre, Old Tetbury Road, Cirencester, GL7 1US | Upload | |
27-02-2025 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop C | Cricklade D | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | Upload | |
11-03-2025 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Raychem E | Raychem D | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
13-03-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Whitehorse D | Cirencester B | St Josephs College, Ocotal Way, Swindon, England, GB, SN3 3LR | Upload | |
16-03-2025 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade D | Raychem C | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
24-03-2025 | 20:00 | Monday | Raychem C | Whitehorse D | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
25-03-2025 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Raychem D | The Hop C | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
26-03-2025 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cirencester B | Raychem E | Cirencester Leisure Centre, Old Tetbury Road, Cirencester, GL7 1US | Upload | |
22-04-2025 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Raychem E | Raychem C | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
24-04-2025 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop C | Cirencester B | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | Upload | |
27-04-2025 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade D | Whitehorse D | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | Upload |
Date | Time | Day | Home Team | Away Team | Location | Result | |
24-09-2024 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse A | Brecon A | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | 2 - 16 | |
25-09-2024 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska A | Cricklade A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 14 - 4 | |
27-09-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Acers A | Swindon-Roussel A | Kingsdown Sports Centre, Hyde Rd, Swindon, SN2 7SH | 10 - 8 | |
11-10-2024 | 19:30 | Friday | Brecon A | Acers A | Dorcan Sports Centre, Saint Pauls Drive, Swindon, SN3 5BY | 13 - 5 | |
11-10-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Swindon-Roussel A | Stratton Polska A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 7 - 11 | |
13-10-2024 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade A | Whitehorse A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 16 - 2 | |
06-11-2024 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska A | Brecon A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 14 - 4 | |
08-11-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Acers A | Whitehorse A | Kingsdown Sports Centre, Hyde Rd, Swindon, SN2 7SH | 11 - 7 | |
17-11-2024 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade A | Swindon-Roussel A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 15 - 3 | |
26-11-2024 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse A | Stratton Polska A | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | 1 - 17 | |
29-11-2024 | 19:30 | Friday | Brecon A | Swindon-Roussel A | Dorcan Sports Centre, Saint Pauls Drive, Swindon, SN3 5BY | 12 - 6 | |
29-11-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Acers A | Cricklade A | Kingsdown Sports Centre, Hyde Rd, Swindon, SN2 7SH | 7 - 11 | |
11-12-2024 | 19:00 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska A | Acers A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 15 - 3 | |
13-12-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Swindon-Roussel A | Whitehorse A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 9 - 9 | |
15-12-2024 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade A | Brecon A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 4 - 14 | |
24-01-2025 | 19:30 | Friday | Brecon A | Whitehorse A | Dorcan Sports Centre, Saint Pauls Drive, Swindon, SN3 5BY | 12 - 6 | |
24-01-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Swindon-Roussel A | Acers A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 15 - 3 | |
04-02-2025 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse A | Cricklade A | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | Upload | |
05-02-2025 | 19:00 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska A | Swindon-Roussel A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | Upload | |
07-02-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Acers A | Brecon A | Kingsdown Sports Centre, Hyde Rd, Swindon, SN2 7SH | Upload | |
16-02-2025 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade A | Stratton Polska A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
25-02-2025 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse A | Acers A | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | Upload | |
28-02-2025 | 19:30 | Friday | Brecon A | Stratton Polska A | Dorcan Sports Centre, Saint Pauls Drive, Swindon, SN3 5BY | Upload | |
28-02-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Swindon-Roussel A | Cricklade A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
12-03-2025 | 19:00 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska A | Whitehorse A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | Upload | |
14-03-2025 | 19:30 | Friday | Swindon-Roussel A | Brecon A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
16-03-2025 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade A | Acers A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
25-03-2025 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse A | Swindon-Roussel A | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | Upload | |
28-03-2025 | 19:30 | Friday | Brecon A | Cricklade A | Dorcan Sports Centre, Saint Pauls Drive, Swindon, SN3 5BY | Upload | |
28-03-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Acers A | Stratton Polska A | Kingsdown Sports Centre, Hyde Rd, Swindon, SN2 7SH | Upload |
Date | Time | Day | Home Team | Away Team | Location | Result | |
10-09-2024 | 19:00 | Tuesday | Greenmeadow | Raychem B | Haydon Centre, Thames Avenue, Swindon, SN25 1QQ | 18 - 0 | |
12-09-2024 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop A | Raychem C | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | 18 - 0 | |
12-09-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem A | Stratton Polska B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 6 - 12 | |
24-09-2024 | 19:00 | Tuesday | Raychem C | Raychem B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 3 - 15 | |
24-09-2024 | 19:00 | Tuesday | Greenmeadow | Stratton Polska B | Haydon Centre, Thames Avenue, Swindon, SN25 1QQ | 1 - 17 | |
26-09-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem A | Cricklade B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 18 - 0 | |
09-10-2024 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cricklade B | The Hop A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | 9 - 9 | |
10-10-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem B | Raychem A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 0 - 18 | |
11-10-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Stratton Polska B | Raychem C | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 18 - 0 | |
22-10-2024 | 19:00 | Tuesday | Greenmeadow | Cricklade B | Haydon Centre, Thames Avenue, Swindon, SN25 1QQ | 10 - 8 | |
24-10-2024 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop A | Raychem A | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | 3 - 15 | |
24-10-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem B | Stratton Polska B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 1 - 17 | |
05-11-2024 | 19:00 | Tuesday | Raychem C | Greenmeadow | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 0 - 18 | |
07-11-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem B | Cricklade B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 2 - 16 | |
08-11-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Stratton Polska B | The Hop A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 15 - 3 | |
27-11-2024 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cricklade B | Raychem C | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | 18 - 0 | |
28-11-2024 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop A | Raychem B | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | 15 - 3 | |
28-11-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem A | Greenmeadow | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 16 - 2 | |
10-12-2024 | 19:00 | Tuesday | Raychem C | Raychem A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 0 - 18 | |
10-12-2024 | 19:00 | Tuesday | Greenmeadow | The Hop A | Haydon Centre, Thames Avenue, Swindon, SN25 1QQ | 7 - 11 | |
13-12-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Stratton Polska B | Cricklade B | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 14 - 4 | |
22-01-2025 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cricklade B | Raychem A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | 3 - 15 | |
23-01-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem B | Raychem C | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 18 - 0 | |
24-01-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Stratton Polska B | Greenmeadow | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 12 - 6 | |
04-02-2025 | 19:00 | Tuesday | Raychem C | Stratton Polska B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 0 - 18 | |
06-02-2025 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop A | Cricklade B | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | 7 - 11 | |
06-02-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem A | Raychem B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 16 - 2 | |
11-02-2025 | 19:00 | Tuesday | Greenmeadow | Raychem C | Haydon Centre, Thames Avenue, Swindon, SN25 1QQ | Upload | |
12-02-2025 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cricklade B | Raychem B | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
13-02-2025 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop A | Stratton Polska B | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | Upload | |
26-02-2025 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cricklade B | Greenmeadow | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
27-02-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem A | The Hop A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
28-02-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Stratton Polska B | Raychem B | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | Upload | |
11-03-2025 | 19:00 | Tuesday | Raychem C | Cricklade B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
11-03-2025 | 19:00 | Tuesday | Greenmeadow | Raychem A | Haydon Centre, Thames Avenue, Swindon, SN25 1QQ | Upload | |
13-03-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem B | The Hop A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
26-03-2025 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cricklade B | Stratton Polska B | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
27-03-2025 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop A | Greenmeadow | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | Upload | |
27-03-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem A | Raychem C | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
22-04-2025 | 19:00 | Tuesday | Raychem C | The Hop A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
24-04-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem B | Greenmeadow | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
25-04-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Stratton Polska B | Raychem A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | Upload |
Date | Time | Day | Home Team | Away Team | Location | Result | |
18-09-2024 | 19:00 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska A | Stratton Polska B | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 15 - 3 | |
18-09-2024 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cricklade A | Brecon A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | 11 - 7 | |
20-09-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Swindon-Roussel A | Whitehorse A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 18 - 0 | |
01-10-2024 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse A | Cricklade A | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | 5 - 13 | |
02-10-2024 | 19:00 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska B | Swindon-Roussel A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 5 - 13 | |
04-10-2024 | 19:30 | Friday | Brecon A | Stratton Polska A | Dorcan Sports Centre, Saint Pauls Drive, Swindon, SN3 5BY | 1 - 17 | |
29-10-2024 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse A | Stratton Polska B | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | 9 - 9 | |
30-10-2024 | 19:00 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska A | Cricklade A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 16 - 2 | |
01-11-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Swindon-Roussel A | Brecon A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 17 - 1 | |
13-11-2024 | 19:00 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska A | Whitehorse A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 18 - 0 | |
13-11-2024 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cricklade A | Swindon-Roussel A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | 5 - 13 | |
15-11-2024 | 19:30 | Friday | Brecon A | Stratton Polska B | Dorcan Sports Centre, Saint Pauls Drive, Swindon, SN3 5BY | 9 - 9 | |
03-12-2024 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse A | Brecon A | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | 7 - 11 | |
04-12-2024 | 19:00 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska B | Cricklade A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 13 - 5 | |
06-12-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Swindon-Roussel A | Stratton Polska A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 12 - 6 | |
14-01-2025 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse A | Swindon-Roussel A | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | 1 - 17 | |
15-01-2025 | 19:00 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska B | Stratton Polska A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 10 - 8 | |
17-01-2025 | 19:30 | Friday | Brecon A | Cricklade A | Dorcan Sports Centre, Saint Pauls Drive, Swindon, SN3 5BY | 10 - 8 | |
29-01-2025 | 19:00 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska A | Brecon A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 15 - 3 | |
29-01-2025 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cricklade A | Whitehorse A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | 12 - 6 | |
31-01-2025 | 19:30 | Friday | Swindon-Roussel A | Stratton Polska B | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 12 - 6 | |
19-02-2025 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cricklade A | Stratton Polska A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
19-02-2025 | 19:00 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska B | Whitehorse A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | Upload | |
21-02-2025 | 19:30 | Friday | Brecon A | Swindon-Roussel A | Dorcan Sports Centre, Saint Pauls Drive, Swindon, SN3 5BY | Upload | |
04-03-2025 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse A | Stratton Polska A | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | Upload | |
05-03-2025 | 19:00 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska B | Brecon A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | Upload | |
07-03-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Swindon-Roussel A | Cricklade A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
19-03-2025 | 19:00 | Wednesday | Stratton Polska A | Swindon-Roussel A | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | Upload | |
19-03-2025 | 19:30 | Wednesday | Cricklade A | Stratton Polska B | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
21-03-2025 | 19:30 | Friday | Brecon A | Whitehorse A | Dorcan Sports Centre, Saint Pauls Drive, Swindon, SN3 5BY | Upload |
Date | Time | Day | Home Team | Away Team | Location | Result | |
16-09-2024 | 19:00 | Monday | Acers A | Cricklade B | Kingsdown Sports Centre, Hyde Rd, Swindon, SN2 7SH | 6 - 12 | |
16-09-2024 | 19:30 | Monday | Swindon-Roussel B | The Hop A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 16 - 2 | |
19-09-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem A | Swindon-Roussel C | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Match Cancelled | |
03-10-2024 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop A | Acers A | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | 11 - 7 | |
04-10-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Swindon-Roussel C | Swindon-Roussel B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Match Cancelled | |
06-10-2024 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade B | Raychem A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 10 - 8 | |
28-10-2024 | 19:00 | Monday | Acers A | Swindon-Roussel C | Kingsdown Sports Centre, Hyde Rd, Swindon, SN2 7SH | Match Cancelled | |
28-10-2024 | 19:30 | Monday | Swindon-Roussel B | Raychem A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 11 - 7 | |
03-11-2024 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade B | The Hop A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 14 - 4 | |
11-11-2024 | 19:30 | Monday | Swindon-Roussel B | Cricklade B | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 15 - 3 | |
14-11-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem A | Acers A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 17 - 1 | |
15-11-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Swindon-Roussel C | The Hop A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Match Cancelled | |
02-12-2024 | 19:00 | Monday | Acers A | Swindon-Roussel B | Kingsdown Sports Centre, Hyde Rd, Swindon, SN2 7SH | 7 - 11 | |
05-12-2024 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop A | Raychem A | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | 2 - 16 | |
08-12-2024 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade B | Swindon-Roussel C | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | Match Cancelled | |
16-01-2025 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop A | Swindon-Roussel B | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | 2 - 16 | |
17-01-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Swindon-Roussel C | Raychem A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Match Cancelled | |
19-01-2025 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade B | Acers A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 16 - 2 | |
27-01-2025 | 19:00 | Monday | Acers A | The Hop A | Kingsdown Sports Centre, Hyde Rd, Swindon, SN2 7SH | 11 - 7 | |
27-01-2025 | 19:30 | Monday | Swindon-Roussel B | Swindon-Roussel C | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | Match Cancelled | |
30-01-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem A | Cricklade B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 12 - 6 | |
20-02-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem A | Swindon-Roussel B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
20-02-2025 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop A | Cricklade B | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | Upload | |
21-02-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Swindon-Roussel C | Acers A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Match Cancelled | |
03-03-2025 | 19:00 | Monday | Acers A | Raychem A | Kingsdown Sports Centre, Hyde Rd, Swindon, SN2 7SH | Upload | |
06-03-2025 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop A | Swindon-Roussel C | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | Match Cancelled | |
09-03-2025 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade B | Swindon-Roussel B | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
17-03-2025 | 19:30 | Monday | Swindon-Roussel B | Acers A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
20-03-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem A | The Hop A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
21-03-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Swindon-Roussel C | Cricklade B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Match Cancelled |
Date | Time | Day | Home Team | Away Team | Location | Result | |
17-09-2024 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse B | Greenmeadow A | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | 8 - 10 | |
18-09-2024 | 20:00 | Wednesday | 16 Feathers A | Raychem B | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | 16 - 2 | |
19-09-2024 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop B | Whitehorse C | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | 12 - 6 | |
03-10-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Whitehorse C | 16 Feathers A | St Josephs College, Ocotal Way, Swindon, England, GB, SN3 3LR | 7 - 11 | |
03-10-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem B | Whitehorse B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 10 - 8 | |
31-10-2024 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop B | Whitehorse B | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | 7 - 11 | |
31-10-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem B | Whitehorse C | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 7 - 11 | |
12-11-2024 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse B | 16 Feathers A | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | 5 - 13 | |
14-11-2024 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop B | Raychem B | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | 14 - 4 | |
15-11-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Greenmeadow A | Whitehorse C | Haydon Centre, Thames Avenue, Swindon, SN25 1QQ | 12 - 6 | |
04-12-2024 | 20:00 | Wednesday | 16 Feathers A | The Hop B | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | Upload | |
05-12-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Whitehorse C | Whitehorse B | St Josephs College, Ocotal Way, Swindon, England, GB, SN3 3LR | Upload | |
05-12-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem B | Greenmeadow A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 7 - 11 | |
10-01-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Greenmeadow A | The Hop B | Haydon Centre, Thames Avenue, Swindon, SN25 1QQ | 9 - 9 | |
16-01-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Whitehorse C | The Hop B | St Josephs College, Ocotal Way, Swindon, England, GB, SN3 3LR | 5 - 13 | |
16-01-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem B | 16 Feathers A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 8 - 10 | |
17-01-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Greenmeadow A | Whitehorse B | Haydon Centre, Thames Avenue, Swindon, SN25 1QQ | 6 - 12 | |
28-01-2025 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse B | Raychem B | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | Upload | |
29-01-2025 | 20:00 | Wednesday | 16 Feathers A | Whitehorse C | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | 18 - 0 | |
30-01-2025 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop B | Greenmeadow A | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | 13 - 5 | |
05-02-2025 | 20:00 | Wednesday | 16 Feathers A | Greenmeadow A | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | Upload | |
18-02-2025 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse B | The Hop B | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | Upload | |
20-02-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Whitehorse C | Raychem B | St Josephs College, Ocotal Way, Swindon, England, GB, SN3 3LR | Upload | |
21-02-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Greenmeadow A | 16 Feathers A | Haydon Centre, Thames Avenue, Swindon, SN25 1QQ | Upload | |
05-03-2025 | 20:00 | Wednesday | 16 Feathers A | Whitehorse B | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | Upload | |
06-03-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Whitehorse C | Greenmeadow A | St Josephs College, Ocotal Way, Swindon, England, GB, SN3 3LR | Upload | |
06-03-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem B | The Hop B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
18-03-2025 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse B | Whitehorse C | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | Upload | |
20-03-2025 | 19:20 | Thursday | The Hop B | 16 Feathers A | The Dorcan Academy, St Paul's Drive, Swindon, SN3 5DA | Upload | |
21-03-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Greenmeadow A | Raychem B | Haydon Centre, Thames Avenue, Swindon, SN25 1QQ | Upload |
Date | Time | Day | Home Team | Away Team | Location | Result | |
19-09-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem C | Greenmeadow B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 9 - 9 | |
19-09-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Cricklade C | Raychem D | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | 17 - 1 | |
20-09-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Stratton Polska C | Raychem E | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 18 - 0 | |
01-10-2024 | 19:00 | Tuesday | Greenmeadow B | Stratton Polska C | Haydon Centre, Thames Avenue, Swindon, SN25 1QQ | 3 - 15 | |
01-10-2024 | 19:00 | Tuesday | Raychem E | Cricklade C | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 0 - 18 | |
03-10-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem D | Raychem C | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 5 - 13 | |
31-10-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Cricklade C | Greenmeadow B | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | 17 - 1 | |
01-11-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Stratton Polska C | Raychem C | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 17 - 1 | |
12-11-2024 | 19:00 | Tuesday | Greenmeadow B | Raychem E | Haydon Centre, Thames Avenue, Swindon, SN25 1QQ | 15 - 3 | |
14-11-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem C | Cricklade C | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 1 - 17 | |
21-11-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem D | Raychem E | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 17 - 1 | |
22-11-2024 | 19:00 | Friday | Stratton Polska C | Raychem D | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 18 - 0 | |
03-12-2024 | 19:00 | Tuesday | Raychem E | Raychem C | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 2 - 16 | |
05-12-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem D | Greenmeadow B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 2 - 16 | |
05-12-2024 | 20:00 | Thursday | Cricklade C | Stratton Polska C | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | 8 - 10 | |
17-12-2024 | Tuesday | Raychem C | Raychem E | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | 17 - 1 | ||
14-01-2025 | 19:00 | Tuesday | Greenmeadow B | Raychem C | Haydon Centre, Thames Avenue, Swindon, SN25 1QQ | 12 - 6 | |
14-01-2025 | 19:00 | Tuesday | Raychem E | Stratton Polska C | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 0 - 18 | |
16-01-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem D | Cricklade C | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 0 - 18 | |
27-01-2025 | Monday | Raychem E | Raychem D | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 1 - 17 | ||
30-01-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Cricklade C | Raychem E | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | 17 - 1 | |
30-01-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem C | Raychem D | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
31-01-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Stratton Polska C | Greenmeadow B | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | 18 - 0 | |
18-02-2025 | 19:00 | Tuesday | Greenmeadow B | Cricklade C | Haydon Centre, Thames Avenue, Swindon, SN25 1QQ | Upload | |
20-02-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem C | Stratton Polska C | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
04-03-2025 | 19:00 | Tuesday | Raychem E | Greenmeadow B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
06-03-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem D | Stratton Polska C | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
06-03-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Cricklade C | Raychem C | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
18-03-2025 | 19:00 | Tuesday | Greenmeadow B | Raychem D | Haydon Centre, Thames Avenue, Swindon, SN25 1QQ | Upload | |
21-03-2025 | 19:00 | Friday | Stratton Polska C | Cricklade C | New College Sports Centre , New College Drive Swindon, SN3 1AH | Upload |
Date | Time | Day | Home Team | Away Team | Location | Result | |
04-11-2024 | 20:00 | Monday | Raychem B | Whitehorse | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 3 - 15 | |
11-11-2024 | 20:00 | Monday | Raychem A | David Lloyd | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | 2 - 16 | |
17-12-2024 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse | Raychem B | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | Upload | |
07-01-2025 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse | Raychem A | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | 10 - 8 | |
08-01-2025 | 19:00 | Wednesday | David Lloyd | Raychem B | David Lloyd, Latham Road, Swindon, SN25 4DL | 18 - 0 | |
09-01-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Cricklade | Raychem A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | 16 - 2 | |
14-01-2025 | Tuesday | David Lloyd | Raychem A | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6JW | Upload | ||
02-02-2025 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade | Raychem B | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | 17 - 1 | |
03-03-2025 | 20:00 | Monday | Raychem B | David Lloyd | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
31-03-2025 | Monday | David Lloyd | Whitehorse | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | ||
03-04-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem B | Cricklade | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
03-04-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem A | Whitehorse | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
06-04-2025 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade | David Lloyd | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
07-04-2025 | 20:00 | Monday | Raychem B | Raychem A | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
08-04-2025 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse | David Lloyd | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | Upload | |
10-04-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem A | Cricklade | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload | |
13-04-2025 | 18:30 | Sunday | Cricklade | Whitehorse | Cricklade Leisure Centre, Stones Lane, Cricklade, Swindon, SN6 6JW | Upload | |
23-04-2025 | 19:00 | Wednesday | David Lloyd | Cricklade | David Lloyd, Latham Road, Swindon, SN25 4DL | Upload | |
29-04-2025 | 20:00 | Tuesday | Whitehorse | Cricklade | Lime Kiln Leisure Centre, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 7HG | Upload | |
01-05-2025 | 20:00 | Thursday | Raychem A | Raychem B | Ridgeway Leisure Centre, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, SN4 9DJ | Upload |